Some people complain that their emails get blocked due to content. It happen because Many ISP spam filters review your subject line and email content to find if it is spam or genuine email. Though there is no guaranteed tip or formula that you can follow to ensure your emails are delivered to the inbox, you can follow the following tips and recommendations to improve your delivery rate.
- Keep your subject line short within 35-50 words maximum.
- Don’t use ALL CAPITALIZED LETTERS in subject line or content.
- Don’t send single big image in email. Try to use more text and less images.
- Make sure your content has no spelling mistakes and if you sending HTML based emails then no HTML errors.
- Don’t use spammy words in subject line and email body such as ‘money’, ‘free’, ‘dollars’, ‘cash’, ‘limited time offer’, ‘Buy Now’, ‘Sale’, ‘medication’, or ‘pornography’.
- Don’t put so many links in your email body. Try to use maximum 1 link if possible.
- Don’t put so many bold text, red font, exclamation points (!!!), questions marks (?) and symbols like $ € £ @
- Don’t send attachment files in your newsletter many spam filters block such emails because they think it could be malware or virus. If you still want to then just put URL of file in email so that if someone want to download he/she can download from the web.
- Make sure the content is personalized put the name of receiver in email body.
- etc…